Sativa Vodka

$ 67.00

500ml | 42% Alcohol Volume | 17 Standard Drinks | No THC

The nose is clean and has a sense of alcohol sweetness which carries over to the palate with good viscosity in the mouth. The flavour is pure and neutral with a slight sativa herbal back note interplaying with a nuance of vanilla in the background.

This handcrafted Australian vodka exudes complex herbal aromas and faint vanilla notes with a very smooth and clean finish. Enjoy over ice or as the perfect partner to natural fruit juice.

Distilled with whole Cannabis Sativa (hemp) sustainably nurtured on Raintree Farm Estate in Denmark, WA. 

Complimentary shipping on orders over $200 (WA only)
The nose is clean and has a sense of alcohol sweetness which carries over to the palate with good viscosity in the mouth. The flavour is pure and neutral with a slight sativa herbal back note interplaying with a nuance of vanilla in the background. Finishes very clean.
The plant Cannabis Sativa (hemp) has been used medicinally and recreationally for thousands of years. Its uses include creating strong and sustainable fibres for paper, rope and clothing, with less water required than for cotton crops. The root systems of the hemp plant also stabilise soil and may help to sequester atmospheric carbon in the soil. The active ingredient responsible for the psychoactive ‘high’ produced by cannabis is called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, of which there is no-to-negligible detectable traces (<0.0001 mg) in our CBD spirit products.

Whole Hemp

Free Shipping $200+

Nothing Wasted

Made in Australia

The hemp used in our products is grown and crafted entirely on the family farm in Denmark.

We use whole plants in our fermentation and distillation process, with any vegetation byproduct used to regenerate the soil or feed the happy herd of Black Angus on our farm at Raintree. These are just some of the ways we're closing the loop to ensure nothing is wasted.

“I find the parity of complex beauty across all scales of observation in the universe to be fascinating."

From the microscopic to the galactic, the same maths and fundamental forces govern the patterns we see. As someone who has been interested in both science and photography for most of my life, I’m extremely lucky to have found a niche that marries both fields so well. Experimenting with new materials and seeing the unique form of each on the microscopic scale, exploring the microscopic landscapes that crystallization creates, is endlessly fascinating to me. CBD has a particularly elegant crystal structure which is only revealed after weeks of slow crystal growth between glass slides. The colors present are the result of polarized light interacting with the birefringent properties of the crystals.

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